The rather recent boom in the male enhancement pills sales comes as no surprise. According to many studies done regarding the sexual health of men, a lot of men suffer from premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation can cause a lot frustration between couples and can cause a lot embarrassment to the man of the relationship. It is therefore only natural that many men are resorting to male enhancement pills. These Men Enhancement Pills claim to prevent premature ejaculation, increase the sexual stamina of men, give better erections, improve sex drive and increase the size of the penis.
No matter how great these benefits may seem to men who require the benefits that these male enhancing pills require, the side effects that these pills have. Male enhancement pills may cause priapism which is a rather painful medical condition. In this condition the male penis may remain erect for hours without any stimulation. This happens because the increased blood flow in the penis may get out of control. The blood in the penis gets trapped and is unable to get drained; this is what causes this agonizing condition to take place and the penis may remain in it for four hours or even more.
Male enhancement pills also may increase the stress on the heart as the blood flow to the body increases; as a result blood pressure rises as well. This is caused by a particular ingredient in Penis enlargement pills called Yohimbine extract. The effects of the increased blood flow to the body also include dizziness, anxiety and restlessness.
Among other major side effects of male enhancement pills, the enlargement of the prostate gland and even prostate cancer are also included. This is because the testosterone that is added in these male enhancement pills. Testosterone is the male hormone and excessive amounts of it can cause the prostate gland to enlarge and also increase the chances of prostate cancer.
Apart from these serious side effects there are other side effects of taking Male Enhancement Pills . These side effects include insomnia, seizures, restlessness, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, problems in vision and hearing impairment.
Considering these side effects, care must be taken in choosing the right male enhancement pill or even whether to use one at all. Although male enhancement pills have great benefits that are definitely going to the improve the sexual performance of the male who uses them, considering these serious side effects, it is important to get medical advice from a specialist and choose a brand that has been proven to not have these side effects.
No matter how great these benefits may seem to men who require the benefits that these male enhancing pills require, the side effects that these pills have. Male enhancement pills may cause priapism which is a rather painful medical condition. In this condition the male penis may remain erect for hours without any stimulation. This happens because the increased blood flow in the penis may get out of control. The blood in the penis gets trapped and is unable to get drained; this is what causes this agonizing condition to take place and the penis may remain in it for four hours or even more.
Male enhancement pills also may increase the stress on the heart as the blood flow to the body increases; as a result blood pressure rises as well. This is caused by a particular ingredient in Penis enlargement pills called Yohimbine extract. The effects of the increased blood flow to the body also include dizziness, anxiety and restlessness.
Among other major side effects of male enhancement pills, the enlargement of the prostate gland and even prostate cancer are also included. This is because the testosterone that is added in these male enhancement pills. Testosterone is the male hormone and excessive amounts of it can cause the prostate gland to enlarge and also increase the chances of prostate cancer.
Apart from these serious side effects there are other side effects of taking Male Enhancement Pills . These side effects include insomnia, seizures, restlessness, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, problems in vision and hearing impairment.
Considering these side effects, care must be taken in choosing the right male enhancement pill or even whether to use one at all. Although male enhancement pills have great benefits that are definitely going to the improve the sexual performance of the male who uses them, considering these serious side effects, it is important to get medical advice from a specialist and choose a brand that has been proven to not have these side effects.