WELCOME TO THE HETEROSEXIST, RACIST AND MISOGYNIST WORLD OF ADVERTISING When you're young and exploring your identity, you'd assume that, in a diverse and multicultural world, you'd be able to identify with some of the media's images inundated on you. Well… if you're a heterosexual, sexist male, the media will offer you a staple diet of crass adverts to satisfy your depraved needs.
If you are gay, you will be hard pressed to find any adverts that represent you in a positive way. The idealised hetero family will tell you this is the norm…
Add caadvertisingarchives.co.ukption |
source: visit4ads.com |
source: thefashionrecords.com |
Now, here's a banned advert, showing two loving human beings...
Another banned advert:
A banned ice-cream advert showing two priests about to kiss. source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/media/8087413/Gay-priests-ice-cream-adverts-banned.html |
But occasionally, you will find resistance:
source: pinknews.co.uk |
Asians, Blacks, Mediterranean and Hispanic are rarely represented unless they're advertising curry or teas, pizzas or tortillas…  |
advertisingarchives.co.uk | |
scotsitalian.com |
There might occasionally be an interracial couple… as long as they are hetero. But interracial couples must spark outrage amongst the bigots of this world. |
A South African ad depicting an interracial couple sparks controversy. source: http://www.blackenterprise.com/news/interracial-ad-sparks-controversy-in-south-africa/ |
And where are the Chinese? They become visible when advertising global banking or happy childlike female representations, while masking the West's exploitation of their lost childhood spent in sweatshops churning out the latest commodity to satisfy your needs.
visit4ads.com |
This is what you won't see.
chinadigitaltimes.net |
dailymail.co.uk |
Or how about an alcohol advert advertising an 'exotic drink' because it takes a woman of colour to bring out the 'exotic' in you…
Malibu Lady Sunshine drink. source: drink-brands.com |
How many times have we seen it and wanted to scream at that screen or billboard that we are not available to every Neanderthal man's urges??
feministfatale.com |
We do not exist solely for your approval…
rockalily.com |
nor are we here to serve you...
thevine.com.au |
We are not all 25 year old blondes waiting for your advances…
cbc.ca |
We are diverse, multicultural, heterosexual, bisexual, trans and gay human beings - embrace it and challenge the world of exploitative, sexist, racist, heterosexist ads by writing to your advertising council (Now here's a slogan you'll want to remember), because contrary to the ad man's world, we are the majority. If you see something you don't like, tear it down. Get together with your friends and make large stickers with slogans and plaster them on every ad on the tube, high street that demeans, objectifies or, reduces you to an object. Make a Saturday shopping spree into a memorable experience...