Arthur Golden, "Memoirs of a Geisha"
Have you ever wondered what your man is dying for you to do in bed? And did you know that most men believe that women are lazy and passive? Would men want a geisha in bed? Oh, yes!
How do you become a modern geisha and keep your man satisfied? First, learn to ask for what you want and then give it in return. What does your man expect from you? Initiative and lust, an experienced woman that knows what she wants in bed and out of bed.
What Do You Do About It?
Tired of getting out of bed unhappy and unfulfilled? It's time to take control of your sex life! You express your desires, your pleasures, you take control and ask for what you want, you care about what he wants, or did you think it's enough just to get undressed and lie in bed?
Intend to ask and express your excitement in bed. Create lust and pleasure in your house and show your man that you're interested in his sexuality. Does he your partner know how the clitoris works or the G spot and does he know how you want to be touched?
Men Are Visual
Here are 3 facts about men:
· Men are visual and love beauty in a woman.
· Men are sexual and are love sexy women.
· Men are masculine and adore femininity in a woman.
Being feminine is an art. Learn to become more sensual and let him know that it is not just your natural way to be so hot, but attribute your sexiness to him. Tell him that he is inspiring you to
Unveil your femininity and sexuality. It's him that makes you feel so free, so sexual, so uninhibited.
Talk About Sex With Your Partner
Share your preferences and fantasies with your man. Worried that he might think you're slutty and not respect you anymore? What your man wants is a slutty woman in his bed, taking action and pursuing pleasure.
Relax and listen to your body and your man's desires, stop avoiding emotional intensity and sensuality, and most important, don't criticize or mock him. You are fee to live as you want, so why choose to have a boring sex life when you can hit the stars?
Once you become more open to your sexuality, your partner will become a whole new man. His ego doesn't hurt anymore and he's willing to do anything to see you happy and fulfilled. This will definitely improve your sex life, which will also strengthen your relationship.
Please Your Man
Oral sex is a very powerful weapon. Use it when he deserves it, without actually telling him that. Did he do something nice for you one day? Do it every time he's being good to you. Golden rule: do it if you know he would reciprocate; it tells you that he won't think any less of you.
Make your man feel more masculine, more of a man. Praise him every time you get the chance. Be receptive to their plans, use your eyes to connect and show your emotions. What men want is to be our heroes, so why should we stop them?
Remember, your goal is not to get a man to make a strong commitment to you, but rather to inspire him to keep his strong and passionate commitment to you. Be more confident in your magnetic flair and know that you are attractive.
Be receptive of your man's masculinity and always give away credit for your orgasms to him. Listen to your body, discover how you feel about your partner's fantasies and even find out what are some of the blockages that prevent you from having the passionate sex life you've always wanted.