Causes and Symptoms of High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol level in blood is not good for your body. This may be reason for the heart diseases further. It is therefore essential to control increase of cholesterol in blood. It is therefore vital that you understand the causes of the high cholesterol.

The following are the causes of High Cholesterol:

  •   Eating Habits: Too much eating of fatty foods will increase the saturated fats, Tran’s fat and cholesterol level will increase. Saturated fats and cholesterol in food comes from meats, whole milk, egg yolks, butter and cheese. Tran’s fat is found in fried foods and packed foods such as cookies, crackers and chips.

  • Obesity: If you are obese then there is a risk of increasing triglycerides and decreasing HDL which cause high cholesterol.

  •   Lack of Exercise: Lack of physical activity may increase LDL and decrease HDL.

  •  Aging and Gender: It is common that after reaching the age of 20 the cholesterol level increases on own. In men it often increases after 50 years and in women it may rise after menopause as in men.

  • Certain Disorders: If you have diseases such as diabetes or other metabolic disorders or hypothyroidism, chronic kidney disease etc, then there are chances of increasing cholesterol level.

  • Smoking: Smoking lowers the good cholesterol in body which easily raises the high cholesterol level.
In this ways the cholesterol level raises in the blood and its affect the body. High cholesterol is a silent killer. You not get to know until your blood is tested with measuring cholesterol level. You will only come to know if you are suffering for coronary artery diseases, stroke, inflammation in pancreas etc.  The above can be the symptoms of high cholesterol which you will not recognize at the basic level.

Therefore it’s your job to avoid the unhealthy habits which causes the rise in the cholesterol level and keep the level controlled.